Certification of Lifting Devices to AS4991-2004

Practical Engineering caters to the needs of clients across a variety of industries who have one thing in common – their need for certification of lifting equipment.

Section 12 of AS4991-2004 Lifting Devices, identifies two appropriate methods to certify/verify Lifting Equipment:
• Physical testing to up to two times the required working load limit (WLL) and alternative verification which can utilise reduced load proof testing requirements, or
• Third party engineering analysis.

PEA offers clients a comprehensive certification process service for both in-house and field testing certified to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems Standard. We can perform analysis and verification of designs, as well as specifying any additional procedures, such as NDT, that may be required.
• 35t Spreader Beam Verification
A client within the mining sector required a 35t capacity spreader beam to safely lift a piece of equipment. Practical was engaged to perform structural assessment and design verification of the proposed spreader beam. Once completed the spreader beam was proof tested and witnessed by a Practical Engineer.
• Slinging Technique Certification
A rigging client approached PEA to assess the viability of a novel slinging technique. After theoretical analysis it was deemed that the most efficient manner to certify the component was proof loading. A test was setup in our 1,000kN tensile testing machine to assess the direct strength of the connection. The equipment passed within allowable deflection limits allowing our client to continue work.

Our experienced team are led by certified Engineers who verify all work. Our Engineers meet the stringent qualification and experience requirements for registration with:

• RPEQ – Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
• NER – National Engineering Register
• CPEng – Engineers Australia

Your business can be assured that your equipment will be assessed by PEA’s team of experts to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Standard.

PEA welcomes your inquiries and will work with you and your staff to identify the best and most effective way to meet your equipment certification needs. If you would like to find out more about our services or to request a quotation please contact our Sales Team on 07 3875 2133 or email info@praceng.com.au