Elevated Walkway to Passenger Boarding Bridge Edge Protection Barrier

Practical Engineering Australia was recently engaged by Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd to design a temporary edge protection system to AS/NZS 4994.1:2009 – Temporary edge protection, for the new International Cruise Terminal in Brisbane.

The system is designed to prevent the Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) Operators at a Risk of Falling from heights through gaps between the PBB and Elevated Walkway (EWW).

The design required a solution that was not fixed to the surrounding structure and could be easily relocated to any section of the EWW that the PBB was connecting too. The middle guard railing section had to be mounted on rails to allow the ramp to fold down into the EWW.

AS/NZS 4994.1:2009 is typically utilised to design temporary roof and flooring edge protection that is bolted or clamped to the edge. Practical Engineering Australia proved through engineering design and testing that the designed barrier meets the strength and stability requirements of AS/NZS 4994.1:2009, without requiring clamping or fixing to the surrounding structure.

Practical Engineering Australia commends Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd for their dedication to ensuring a safe working environment for their operators and looks forward to working together with Port of Brisbane in the future.

Practical Engineering Australia has extensive experience in the design of temporary or fixed edge protection, structural access systems and vehicle access systems. Should you have enquiries please contact our team on (07) 3875 2133 or email sales@praceng.com.au